David Stulik: the Czech Republic has a real chance to be Ukraine’s permanent advocate in the European Union

30.11.2022 0 By NS.Writer

David Stulik

What is currently happening in Ukrainian-Czech cooperation and is its level sufficient? Is Ukraine involved in pan-European projects? David Stulik, a senior political analyst at the European Centre for Security Policy, has commented to the Newssky.

Regarding cooperation, in my opinion, more could be done, but currently, all possible capacities are being used to the maximum extent – humanitarian, financial aid, assistance with armaments, assistance to citizens living in the Czech Republic because of the war – this is a sign that cooperation is at a high level.

Instead, economic and trade ties between Ukrainian and Czech companies will soon be operational, and there is much potential for improvement.

It will certainly work when the war is over. But the fact that the Czech Republic significantly helps Ukraine will contribute to the perception of Czech companies in Ukraine as friendly. And this will be a business advantage over competitors from other European countries. I have no doubt, our potential, primarily at the economic level, will only grow.

The Czech Republic has a great chance to be one of the most important advocates of Ukraine at the European level. This is about political and diplomatic cooperation. The Czech Republic really did a lot of useful things for Ukraine during its presidency of the EU. I hope that the level of political support by the Czech Republic will remain, and the Czech Republic will become a long-term advocate of Ukraine in the EU, along with Poland and the Baltic States.

David Stulík worked for 12 years as the Press and Information Officer at the EU Delegation in Kyiv, Ukraine

In Ukrainian

«Ковальчук»Maryna Kovalchuk, Newssky, contributed

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