On the Name and the Nature of Our Revolutionary War

29.05.2016 1 By Chilli.Pepper

Юрій ЧернецькийYuriy O. CHERNETSKIY (KharkivZhytomyr),

Doctor of Sciences in Sociology, PhD in Economics & Management, Professor of the “UKRAINE” University — specially written for the NEWSSKY Journal


On the Name and the Nature of Our Revolutionary War

Now for us in Ukraine it is just a time to recall words of the greatest revolutionary practitioner Vladimir Lenin: “No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself.” The best part of the Constitution’s “Ukrainian People — citizens of Ukraine of all ethnicities” — defends our Revolution of Dignity in the battles of war against the quasi- (and queasy-) Russian Federation. As the new stage of the Revolution, I would name it the Ukrainian War of Dignity.

In this context the concept of Dignity embraces several meanings.

Firstly, for Ukraine it is the War of Independence. Kyivan (Kievan) Rus of the IX—XI centuries was mostly pre-Ukrainian state. Also the Kingdom of Galicia and Volyn of the XIII—XIV centuries was the early Ukrainian (Rus) state. Then Ukraine has independent state(s) of its own for several decades in the middle and second part of the XVII century. In 1991 we have restored our political nation’s independence. But now Putin tries to rebuild the Russian Empire and the Soviet Communist Empire simultaneously. And the Ukrainian People has no choice: we must wage war for our independence.

Secondly, it is the War of Democracy — for Ukraine and the rest of mankind. Till 2011 Ukraine was among so called flawed democracies. The beginning of the Revolution of Dignity marked the starting-point of our attempt to break out from the swamp of hybrid regime back to democracy. On the contrary, Putin’s Russia already has very harsh authoritarian regime and goes quickly to totalitarianism. Because of scales etc. this Russian social disease of madness type becomes really global problem. And Ukraine wages its War of Dignity as the advance guard of the world of democracy armed forces.

Thirdly, for Ukraine it is the War of Socioeconomic Progress. Our country is not too rich in oil and natural gas. It means that for Ukraine the only realistic way out of today’s economic scrutiny is the rapid development of comprehensive cooperation with the democratic world, and especially its leaders like the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Union.

Finally: are you sure that a cheerless country called the Russian Federation will continue to exist? I am not sure. Its latest crimes are too loud. The Putin’s “Russians” are too blatant. And God… After all, do we trust in God or do not?!! Of course, God helps those who help themselves. May be, slightly different version of this proverb or saying is more appropriate for the period of warfare: praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. But the Revolution of Dignity from its very beginning has been, is and — I do hope — will remain the example of Ukrainians’ readiness to solve our problems by ourselves. Let it be, improve and develop!

Today’s symbolic remake of the famous painting by Illya REPIN which now could be titled in such a way: “Reply of the Ukrainian Heroes to Khan Vladimir the Sick Prick”.

Today’s symbolic remake of the famous painting by Illya REPIN which now could be titled in such a way: “Reply of the Ukrainian Heroes to Khan Vladimir the Sick Prick”.

The author and the
NEWSSKY Journal reject their responsibility for the folklore nicknames of any person mentioned. Sic!

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